Thursday, April 25, 2013

Daily Gospel & Reflection, Friday, April 26, 2013

Acts 13:26-33
Psalm 2
John 14:1-6

Worship Song

How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place, O Lord

Entrance Antiphon

By your blood, O Lord, you have redeemed us from every tribe and tongue, from every nation and people; you have made us into the kingdom of God, alleluia. (Revelation 5:9-10)

Opening Prayer

Father of our freedom and salvation; hear the prayers of those redeemed by your Son’s suffering. Through you may we have life; with you may we have eternal joy. We ask this…


Alleluia, alleluia. I am the way and the truth and the life, says the Lord; no one comes to the Father except through me. Alleluia, alleluia. (John 14:6)

Jesus Makes a Promise

1“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. 2In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be. 4Where [I] am going you know the way.” 5Thomas said to him, “Master, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” 6Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” ~ Jesus in v. 6

The Lord speaks before the Ascension. He tells his disciples that he must go away. Thomas was puzzled at the exact destination of the Lord. Jesus answers him not with heavenly directions or ancient cosmology but with the assurance that he is the way, truth and life. The Lord says that to know what and where heaven is, we should remain in him. We will then have some experience of the glory, the deep healing, the joy and fulfillment which heaven is. Our access to the domain of God is only through Jesus. What that fulfillment of heaven is will depend on our needs, wounds and searchings. Generically it is fulfillment. The concrete shape of that fulfillment depends on our needs and psychological framework.

Point: The objective truths of our religion must be preached in a way that satisfies the human needs they were meant to address.

Reflection Credits: Rev. S. Jospeh Krempa, Daily Homilies

Prayer Response

Loving Father, thank you for your boundless love. Let us learn to love you in return by caring for those you have entrusted to our care. Help us to always rejoice in your Son’s resurrection.

Suggested Action

Jesus promised that he will prepare a dwelling place for us in heaven. In your mind’s eye, draw a picture of your heavenly home.

“The goal of religion is not to get us into heaven – but to get heaven into us.” ~ Anonymous


We cannot know God unless we have listened to him in the silence of our hearts. Rest in the loving arms of the Lord with an open mind and an open heart.

For the other readings today please go to

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